Dear Parent / Carers,
I am pleased to say that staff absences due to COVID are now beginning to subside which I am very relieved about. It has been a very difficult start to the year managing such high rates of staff absences and I would like to thank all of our staff being so flexible and helping out where needed. I would also like to say a special thank you to Miss Currie who has been woken up most days with her working phone ringing and beeping as staff ring in with the fatal news they have tested positive, and has to then juggle everything around to make sure we can remain fully open!
As we slowly exit winter and cases in the community hopefully continue to fall we are planning to start organising the exciting education visits which children would routinely enjoy as part of our curriculum including trips to the art galleries which I know the children enjoyed so much prior to the pandemic.
We are currently organising for some exciting assemblies and workshops around the theme of online safety which I am looking forward to telling you all about in the near future.
Term Dates 2022 / 2023
Term dates for 2022/2023 are now available on the school website.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend
Kind Regards
Jonathan Smith