Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Team currently has a Pastoral Manager (also the Emotional Well-Being co-ordinator), a Learning Mentor and two senior therapists who are trained in creative arts psychotherapy, adoption, attachment needs and other modalities such as Emotional Freedom Technique.
Who are we?
- The Pastoral Team consists of:
- Pastoral Manager – Wendy Fitt who is responsible for
- Managing the Pastoral Team and ensuring that children’s emotional well-being is at the heart of Campsbourne.
- Managing our in-house Rainbow Therapy Service and oversees our programme of placement trainee therapists from establishments such as IATE and Play UK.
- Facilitating Trailblazers (CAMHS*)
- Working with children and parents that are being supported by other agencies such as Social Care, Early Help or CAMHS*.
- Attending the borough’s Emotional Well-Being forums as part of the Anchor Project (Haringey’s Relational Resilience Model).
- Learning Mentors – Billie-Jean Evans and Helen Lynch
- Billie and Helen are responsible for running small groups and 1:1 work to support children with a range of needs such as friendship/social skills, self-esteem, feeling positive, understanding our emotions, managing our anger and managing transitional times. Group work can include Talkabout, Happy to be Me, and Self-esteem groups (Pyramid). 1:1 can be formal sessions in or outside the classroom and/or building a relationship with the child as a Key Adult.
- Billie-Jean and Helen also run our Playground Buddies scheme as well as Helen overseeing the School Council and Billie Jean overseeing the Anti Bullying Ambassadors.
- They also offer pastoral support in the lower and upper playgrounds during breaktimes and lunchtime.
- Qualified Creative Arts Psychotherapist (Wednesdays Only) – Oliver Moreton
- Oliver sees children for 1:1 weekly sessions to support their emotional well-being. He also supports Wendy in facilitating the Rainbow Therapy Service.
- Trailblazers (CAMHS*)
- Trailblazers work in school (Thursdays only) and currently offer 1:1 parental support sessions as well as run parent workshops.
- Black Community Lead – Jade Springer Best
- Jade works with families from our Black community to support them in however we can to ensure that their children achieve in line with their peers. This may be through working with their child on academic studies, behavioural difficulties or issues such as housing and accessing benefits.
* Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
What is our approach?
- Our approach to behaviour management, see Behaviour Policy, is based on attachment aware theories. The following article No-Drama Discipline by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson NDD-Refrigerator-Sheet provides a clear overview of this approach and its benefits.
- The Pastoral Team, inline with whole school staff, use attachment-aware strategies as well as restorative approaches in the classroom and in the playground.
- We follow and support the Zones of Regulation in the classroom, playground and at home.
- We have six ‘Expectations’ which children are required to follow at all times.
- We will keep each other safe.
- We treat each other and our school environment with respect.
- We try our best in everything we do.
- We take responsibility for ourselves and are proud of our school.
- We are kind and caring to each other.
- We are ready to try new things.
Our Curriculum
- In our “emotionally-friendly” classrooms we have regular Circle Time sessions and ‘Bubble Boxes’ which children can use to share any worries or concerns.
- Children take part in weekly Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) lessons which promote managing feelings, self-awareness, motivation, empathy and resilience.
- The “Feel Brave” programme and resources are used (mostly) in EYFS and Key Stage 1 to help children understand and manage their emotions through the stories of Wolfgang and Catrin.
Who do we work with?
We work with all children who may be having difficulties managing their emotions, social situations or friendship groups. Children are identified through a multi-layered approach: pupil progress, white slips, attendance, vulnerable children conversations, previous history, observations, surveys, strengths and difficulties questionnaires, parent meetings etc.
- Children are identified through a multi-layered approach: pupil progress, white slips, attendance, vulnerable children conversation, previous history, observations, surveys, strengths and difficulties questionnaires, parent meetings etc.
- Children can also go down to the Rainbow Space to talk to a member of the Pastoral Team if they want to.
How do we Tackle Bullying?
- We have a zero tolerance approach to bullying and have been awarded the All Together with gold status. This award recognises our work to promote anti-bullying and our positive approach to improve the wellbeing of pupils. The All Together Gold School status demonstrates our continued commitment to these very important pastoral areas.
- Children play a key role in tackling bullying through our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who are trained by the Diana Award Scheme. They have introduced Anti-Bullying boxes for children to drop notes in as well as weekly drop-in sessions to share concerns. They also lead on assemblies and workshops for Anti-Bullying Week.
- Playground Buddies are from Years 5 and 6. 8 children go out on duty each day to support the middle and lower playgrounds in peer mediation and be-friending. Our Peer Mediation Scheme means that the younger children have support and “listening ears” from older children. The “Playground Buddies” benefit from being trained by the Pastoral team in Restorative improve the wellbeing of pupils.
What training do staff receive?
Staff receive regular training to address bullying and other behaviour issues.
- Staff have received training from Diversity Role Models and Stonewall to be aware of HBT (Homophobic/Bi-phobic/Transphobic) language and bullying and to feel equipped to challenge it.
- The Head Teacher and Pastoral Manager have been trained on the Mental Health Champions programme run by Place to Be.
- Our lunch staff are trained in behaviour management and “Positive Lunchtimes” to improve the quality of the lunch hour for all children. A range of activities are available at lunchtime such as dance, table tennis, basket ball and net ball.