Geography teaches children to become excited and fascinated about the world around them. In collaboration with parents we agreed that learning about the environment and the climate crisis were key areas we wanted our children to learn about. We have therefore developed a curriculum which weaves these themes throughout the units and encourages them to become more socially and environmentally sensitive, informed and responsible citizens.
At Campsbourne we teach the National Curriculum for Geography which can be found here.
Geography is the study of Earth’s landscapes, peoples, places and environments. It is, quite simply, about the world in which we live. Geography is, in the broadest sense, an education for life and for living.
Learning through geography, whether gained through formal learning or experientially through fieldwork and educational visits, helps us all to be more socially and environmentally sensitive, informed and responsible citizens. When planning lessons teachers focus on developing the children’s enquiry skills and where possible we aim for our children to carry out fieldwork investigations as well, either within the locality of the school or at specialised fieldwork centres as often as possible. At Campsbourne School our aim is to develop socially and environmentally sensitive, informed and responsible children.
Our geography curriculum has been designed in partnership with a consultant with the primary aims of:
You can find details of the geography units in the links below.
Geography Curriculum Overview 2022 – 2023
Teachers assess children in their knowledge and also key geographical skills. How children progress in these can be viewed in the document below.
Vocabulary Progression Geography