Dear Parent / Carers,
I would like to begin by thanking all the staff who have worked so hard to ensure that the school has continued to run as close to normal as possible during the start of this year. As staffing has slowly returned to normal and hopefully COVID cases continue to fall across the country we are now hopeful that we can begin planning educational trips for the remainder of this school year with greater confidence.
Safer Internet Day
In the first week back after half term children will take part in Cyber Safer workshops run by Big Foot Arts Education. You can find out more about these workshops on their website
If you would like to improve your own knowledge on how to keep your children safe online the follow organisation is an excellent resource to look through.
World Book Day
World Book Day is fast approaching and we’re looking forward to celebrating at Campsbourne on Thursday 3rd March. The children, as always can come to school dressed up as their favourite book character and they will be taking part in a number of fun activities that day and also throughout that week. We will be running an exciting competition this year, where children will be asked to paint a rock to represent a book. These can be designed in any way you like – some examples can be seen below. Winners will receive their choice of book and runners up will also receive prizes. So get looking for your hand-sized rocks over half term and get creative!
Parents Evening Reminder
Parents evening for Years 2 to 6 will be taking place on Monday 21st March and Wednesday 24th March between 3.50 – 6.30. The year 1 Parents Evenings has been moved and will be taking place on Tuesday 15th March and Wednesday 16th March. These meetings will be taking place over Zoom. The registration system will open after half term but please make a note of these dates.
Call out for unwanted keyboards
Do you have any unwanted electric keyboards packed away in your attic or languishing at the back of a cupboard? The school will be able to find a new home for them. We want to encourage all our pianists to practise at home. As Haringey Music Services do not hire out keyboards, the school would like to loan out available keyboards to children who currently have piano lessons at school but do not have anything to practise on at home. Please let the school office or Jeannie know if you have any you can donate.
I hope you all have a lovely half term.
Kind Regards
Jonathan Smith