Dear Parent / Carers,
Eid Mubarak
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Muslim children and families Eid Mubarak for EID which was in the holidays. The children discussed the importance of Eid during assemblies before half term and we will also be reopening our prayer / reflection room for children of all faiths or those with no faith so that they can pray or reflect quietly at lunch time. This room will be available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.
Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations
As a way to mark the Queen’s Jubilee, on the last day of this half term (Friday 27th May), we will be celebrating in a number of ways. The Platinum Jubilee website for schools have identified particular themes which are designed for the children to explore the Queen’s faith and her 70 years of service. We have allocated each year group a theme:
- Nursery/Reception: Protect the Environment
- Year 1: Good Neighbours
- Year 2: Wellbeing
- Year 3: Creativity and Innovation
- Year 4: Justice
- Year 5: Spirituality
- Year 6: Legacy
Children with be learning about these themes and why they are important to the Queen. In addition to this, each class will enjoy a tea party in the afternoon in their classes. Children will be asked to bring in simple party food e.g. sandwiches, fresh fruit and vegetables e.g. carrot or cucumber sticks, chopped fruits and some nice treats such as crisps, cakes and biscuits. Children will also be encouraged to dress in red, white and blue for the day.
Year 4 will also be taking part in a special project with Together for Music which will involve creating a musical inter-generational piece around the theme of the Queen’s Jubilee which they will then perform to teh residents of a local care home.
Summer Half Term Holiday Club
Due to the Jubilee Celebrations this half term the holiday club will only be open on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Details of what has been planned can be found in the following leaflet.
Parent Questionnaire
As part of an OfSTED inspection parents are invited to share their views through a website called Parent View. The following questions are those asked on Parent View and will help us find out what your’ views are about Campsbourne School. You can access OUR survey using the following link. Campsbourne Parent Questionnaire Please complete this questionnaire if you can as it really helps us know what we are doing well and which areas we need to improve. The results of the questionnaire will be shared with you after half term and any actions which we plan to put in place as a result of analysing the feedback.
Middlesex Youth Memberships
If you child is mad about cricket then you may be interested in the Middlesex Youth Memberships. To find out more please click on the following link to see their flyer. Middlesex Youth Membership Flyer
Value of the Week – Patience
During next week we will be talking to the children about the importance of having patience. We will be discussing the importance of being able to wait until it is your turn or time to experience something and keeping calm and not getting annoyed, angry or frustrated with something.
Open Mornings for Summer Term
Our second open morning is taking place this Friday 13th May for Year 2 and Year 3. Open mornings for Years 4/5/6 will take place on Friday 20th May.
Summer Fair
We’d like to have a halal BBQ at this years summer fair on the 18th June. Is there anyone who is experienced in cooking halal that could run the BBQ? We can provide the BBQ itself (will be bought new) and also volunteers to help with the set up and taking payment. I think we can source halal meat via the school, but if you have your own contact for this that would be fine. We just need some chefs! Please let me know if you can help? My mobile number is 07789955252.
Preloved Uniform Sales
Each half term, we will be holding a sale for pre-loved uniform items. Our first sale will take place during the week beginning 23rd May. A table will be set up in the Eco Room every day between 8.40 – 9.30 where parents are welcome to come and see what items we have available. If you find that items are suitable for your child, you can buy them from us for the bargain price of £1.00 per item.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Kind Regards
Jonathan Smith