Dear Parents / Carers,
Today the children in Reception to Year 3 enjoyed a very exciting author assembly. Andy Day from CBBC visited us and delivered an engaging and exciting assembly all around his new book ‘Dino Dad Big School Talent Show’. The children were able to pre-order his book and then he signed them all for them. Lots of fun was had by all and lots of dino facts learnt!
On the Thursday before half term, Turner Class took part in a fantastic workshop about the world of VR. Fortunately, one parent who works for Meta, Will Steptoe, came in to teach the children about the history of VR headsets. They learned all about the purpose and how headsets have developed over time. They then were able to have a go at using a range of headsets to look at famous art work, travel under water and play games. The children absolutely loved experiencing their virtual worlds!
World Book Day
World Book day is fast approaching; we are celebrating on Thursday 13th March. The children can dress up as their favourite book character. Please see the attached information regarding our cake competition for this; prizes are up for grabs!
Some friendly reminders!
Please can I remind parents that the children’s snack at breaktimes should be a healthy choice. Crisps and chocolate biscuits are not allowed and these will be taken away from the children if spotted by a member of staff and given back to them at the end of the day. Please can you also remind your child not to share food with other children due to potential allergies. Many thanks.
Please can I remind you that our office email address is and the previous email address you may have used, is no longer active.
We have vacancies for the after school provision. Should you wish to express an interest, please contact the main office via email.
Congratulations to Ofili Class in the infants and Cameron Class in the Juniors for registering the highest attendance for the week ending 14th February. Well done to Gainsborough Class in the Infants and Turner Class in the Juniors for such good punctuality!
Infant Class | Attendance | Punctuality | Junior Class | Attendance | Punctuality |
Gainsborough | 92.4% | 98.9% | Cameron | 96.7% | 97.5% |
Gwen John | 90.2% | 98.8% | Hockney | 96.6% | 98.6% |
Ofili | 95.1% | 97.3% | Kapoor | 93% | 98.9% |
Riley | 92.2% | 98.7% | Whiteread | 95.1% | 97.3% |
Hepworth | 94.7% | 98.1% | Thompson | 95.3% | 98.7% |
Moore | 93.5% | 97.3% | Turner | 94.3% | 99.1% |
Himid | 90.8% | 97% | |||
Shonibare | 94.5% | 97.7% |
Upcoming Dates
Parents Evening for SEND Children
11th March 2025
Parents Evening for SEND Children
13th March 2025
Parents Evening for Non SEND Children
25th March 2025
Parents Evening for Non SEND Children
27th March 2025
HSA Spring Fair
29th March 2025
End of Term
4th April 2025 (Finish at 1:45pm)
There will be no After School Club provision on this day.
Easter Holidays
7th April 2025 – 22nd April 2025
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Tracey Baptiste
Acting Deputy Headteacher