Dear Parent / Carers,
SEND children Parent/Carer Coffee Morning
All families and carers are invited to attend our SEND parent coffee morning on Wednesday 12th June at 9am (after morning drop off) hosted by Morgan Currie. Please sign in at the main office. Come and join us for a coffee/tea and a chat. This term we will host Zoe Buxton from CAMHS who will discuss her role with supporting children at our school and “Brain Buddies”. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
Modern Foreign Language Assistants Looking for Accommodation
Each year we employ a modern language assistant who is a Spanish speaking person who comes to the UK for one year and works in schools to supplement their time in the UK supporting teachers with the delivery of Spanish lessons. Finding accommodation is always a challenge for them so if you have a spare room and would like to improve your Spanish this is an ideal opportunity! For more information please click on the following link.

Increase in Fees for Breakfast Club and After School Club
It is with great regret that the governors have agreed to increase the fees for both the Breakfast Club, After School Club and Holiday Club by 10%. The increases will come into effect from September 2024.
Per Session per Child
(Current Fee) |
Additional Siblings
(Current Fee) |
Per Session per Child
(Sep 2024 Fee) |
Additional Siblings
(Sep 2024 Fee) |
Breakfast Club |
£4 |
£3 |
£4.40 |
£3.40 |
After School Club |
£12 |
£10 |
£13.20 |
£11 |
Changes to Holiday Club Hours
We are also mindful that family’s needs during the school holidays can vary and that not everyone will need the full wrap around care of 8am to 6pm and that a shorter session based around the school day of 9am – 4pm may be more cost effective and meet your needs.
We will therefore trial offering parents the choice of either an 8am to 6pm session or 9am to 4pm.
Per Session per Child
(Current Fee) |
Additional Siblings
(Current Fee) |
Per Session per Child
(Sep 2024 Fee) |
Additional Siblings
(Sep 2024 Fee) |
Holiday Club
8am to 6pm |
£35 |
£35 |
£38.50 |
£38.50 |
Holiday Club
9am to 4pm |
£24.50 |
£24.50 |
£27 |
£27 |
You can view the timetable of activities for this half term here. You are able to book these sessions using your ScoPay Account.
You can also use tax free child care vouchers. To check if you are eligible and to create an account please click on the following link.
New School Office and Entrance
The final project in the building works is the repurposing of our old art room which is next to our current school office / reception into our new school office / reception with a secure pathway from the school gate to the office. This will ensure that visitors to the school must sign in at the entrance before being given access to the grounds, something which is not possible at the moment.
I am told that this project is due to start at some point during the summer holidays but will run into the autumn term. However, as it is a very localised project it will have minimal impact on the running of the school.
Latest from the HSA
Comedy night:
The comedians for our Laugh for Staff comedy night are confirmed! Time Out award winner and “Finding Your Comedic Genius” book writer Adam Bloom joins BBC star and twice winner of best international show Carey Marx and winner of multiple comedy competitions, Canadian comedian Bobby Mair!
The evening will be compèred by Josh Howie, whose ability to “amuse, shock in equal measures” will have everyone clutching your sides with laughter! Remember to buy your ticket at drop off or pick up by the middle gate or contact Diana Smith or Robyn Ballin directly.
Match Funding:
Thank you to everyone so far who has reached out with regards to our newly launched match funding campaign. It’s not too late to find out if the company you work for offers match funding, and we can help you find out more. Together we could raise even more funds through our HSA events for our incredible school. Many companies match charitable donations/fundraising/event volunteering, so for example, if we raised £5k at the summer fair, a match funding partnership could match it anywhere from 25% – 100%! Can you imagine if we managed to DOUBLE the amount we raise for the school, just think of all the amazing things our children could benefit from. Contact Alex Lawson or Tess Van den Oever to find out more – even if your company is not listed, we could still help!
Therapists and Young People Provision – TACaccess
TACaccess is a new, free UK-wide directory developed by school leaders to provide rapid, cost-effective access to trained, DBS-checked mental health therapists, experienced in working with children and young people. With 1 in 5 children and young people suffering from a diagnosable mental health condition, Ruth Simmonds and Julian Rose set about creating a service that: – includes a directory of therapists with video profiles – searchable according to identified needs; – an online booking facility; – embedded, secure video conferencing facilities for online therapy; – secure payment to therapists through the directory. For years agencies have been gaming the system and taking up to two-thirds of therapists’ fees leaving children, young people and professionals short-changed. If interested please follow the link below to register:
Weekly Attendance and Punctuality
Congratulations to Hepworth in the Infants and Himid in the Juniors for registering 100% attendance respectively! Well done to Reception Classes in the Infants and Turner class in the Juniors for such good punctuality! THANK YOU!
Infant Class |
Attendance |
Punctuality |
Junior Class |
Attendance |
Punctuality |
Gainsborough |
91.67% |
99.58% |
Cameron |
97.32% |
99.55% |
Gwen John |
97.50% |
99.58% |
Hockney |
94.40% |
99.14% |
Ofili |
93.68% |
98.42% |
Kapoor |
78% |
99.60% |
Riley |
98.66% |
96.97% |
Whiteread |
95.54% |
97.77% |
Hepworth |
100%% |
98.21% |
Thompson |
95.83% |
98.21% |
Moore |
94.17% |
97.92% |
Turner |
96.25% |
100% |
Himid |
100% |
99.54% |
Shonibare |
96.30% |
99.54% |
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Jonathan Smith
Head Teacher