Dear Parents / Carers,
We’ve had so many exciting events happening in the last week that I just couldn’t miss any of them out in our newsletter! Last Friday, 30 children across Years 4, 5 and 6 attended the Haringey Bibliobuzz Awards at Alexandra Palace. They have worked extremely hard over the past few months to read all 6 nominated texts, so that they could vote for their favourite book. We were lucky enough to take part in an engaging workshop from the winner, Lucy Strange who talked to the children about her inspiration for her book, The Island at the Edge of Night and taught the children how to develop ideas for writing. The children had the opportunity to purchase the books and have them personally signed by the authors. I’ve never seen a group of children so excited on a trip! The Bibliobuzz event happens every year, so if your child didn’t get a chance this time, there’s always next year!
Sporting news from Billie-Jean
As a result of the Year 6 girls winning the Haringey football tournament in September, the final tournament they had qualified for was the Spurs Regional Qualifier. We had the pleasure of being invited down to the Tottenham Hotspur Training Ground in Whitewebbs to compete for the National finals and represent Spurs. The girls were filled with so much excitement and we had such a fun morning on the grounds. The girls played with so much confidence and it’s been a pleasure watching their skills progress over the last few months of competing and Campsbourne are so proud of them and we are even more proud that we finished 3rd place in the competition, Well done Y6!
Royal Albert Hall from Jeannie
And lastly, Campsbourne Choir took part in the Haringey Schools Music Festival at the Royal Albert Hall earlier this week! It was a truly magical experience and the children had an absolutely amazing time. We had some very tired children in school the following day, but it was so worth it……..roll on 2027!
Easter Playscheme is open for bookings.
Week 1: Mon 7th April – Thurs 10Th April
Week 2: Mon 14th April – 17th April
Costs: Full day 8- 6pm £38.50
Half day 9-4pm £27.00
Please can I remind you that our office email address is and the previous email address you may have used, is no longer active.
School Activity Clubs from Wendy (Pastoral Manager)
The information sheet for the Summer clubs will be released very shortly. Please make a note of dates when you sign up for a club as they are not always the same and individual clubs may have some changes over the term.
Spring Clubs have their last sessions during the week of 24th March APART from Monday clubs which finish on 31st March. Art with Anna also has a different end date – please check this with Anna herself.
We have two new clubs starting in the Summer – Rugby and Taekwon-Do – watch out for more information about these. Once again, they are clubs being set up by people with a personal connection to Campsbourne. I have been running and developing the Clubs programme now for almost 16 years and I love how they are quite unique in their offering. Often being run by parents (past and present) or past pupils even, all with a great skill set and knowledge to share. Their commitment to the Campsbourne Community and their care to our children is lovely to see. I’m sure you agree when you see what they have made in Art, crafted in the Garden or manufactured in STEAM; when you watch their Drama presentation, go to the theatre to see their Street Dance routine or do Yoga poses with them at the weekends. This has all been made possible by Campsbourne School being generous in their hosting and thereby supporting all of our children to have a wide choice of vibrant activities. I sincerely hope and trust that when I retire at the end of this term, the Clubs programme will continue to be a successful part of this school.
Latest from the HSA
Spring Fair
Online tickets are still available –
Only 1 week to go! We’ve already sold over 600 tickets for the Spring Fair! The egg hunt is now sold out, but there is unlimited capacity for people, and there will be heaps of things to look forward to on the day! Fun for all the family! The weather forecast is dry, and we can’t wait for a fun Campsbourne Community day! If you haven’t yet, please look at the volunteer rota and plug a 30-minute slot. Everything is all prepared and ready; we just need you to turn up and offer some time on the day! Chat with your class rep if you have questions about what your class is assigned, or if you have any problems accessing the spreadsheet, they can add your name for you!
You might have noticed on the original HSA schedule that a Match Fun(d) Run event was planned for Saturday 26th April – the decision has been made to cancel that event, and we wanted to make sure the community had notice about that change. We can’t place any more demand on the HSA committee or ask more from the volunteers within the Campsbourne Community at this time, so close to the Spring Fair and after the generous donations from the Read-a-thon! Apologies to any who are disappointed, but the Summer Fair isn’t far away and it’s promised to be the best one yet!
Congratulations to Riley Class in the infants and Hockney Class in the Juniors for registering the highest attendance for the week ending 14th March. Well done to Reception and Year 1 in the Infants and Thompson Class in the Juniors for such good punctuality!
Infant Class | Attendance | Punctuality | Junior Class | Attendance | Punctuality |
Gainsborough | 90.3% | 99.93% | Cameron | 97.9% | 97.6% |
Gwen John | 95.9% | 99.93% | Hockney | 99% | 99.7% |
Ofili | 92% | 99.93% | Kapoor | 93.6% | 98.9% |
Riley | 97.2% | 99.93% | Whiteread | 94.1% | 97.6% |
Hepworth | 93.1% | 98.5% | Thompson | 97.9% | 100% |
Moore | 93% | 95.9% | Turner | 95.9% | 98.6% |
Himid | 92.5% | 99.5% | |||
Shonibare | 91% | 97.6% | |||
Upcoming Dates
Parents Evening for Non SEND Children
25th March 2025
Parents Evening for Non SEND Children
27th March 2025
HSA Spring Fair
29th March 2025
Uniform Stampede
2nd April 8:30 – 9:30 am
End of Term
4th April 2025 (Finish at 1:45pm)
There will be no After School Club provision on this day.
Easter Holidays
7th April 2025 – 22nd April 2025
Summer Term
Class Rep Appreciation Meeting
30th April 7:45 pm
Coffee Truck
2nd May 8:30 – 9:30 am
Comedy Night (Adults only)
8th May 7 pm
Coffee Truck
6th June 8:30 – 9:30 am
Celebrating Differences at Campsbourne
6th June 3:30 – 5pm
Summer Fair
21st June 12 – 4 pm
HSA Picnic
4th July 3:30 – 5:30 pm
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Tracey Baptiste
Acting Deputy Headteacher