Dear Parent / Carers,
Easter Holiday Club Changes
I’m afraid that due to low numbers the Easter Holiday club will only be running for the first week between Monday 4th April to Friday 8th April.
Please click on the following link to see the program of activities which children will be able to enjoy at our Easter Holiday Club. Campsbourne Easter Club
If you would like to book a place you can do so through Scopay.
Air Quality
You have probably noticed the haze in the air this week – there has been a high air pollution alert issued by the Mayor of London. He is asking all Londoners to avoid unnecessary car journeys, not to idle engines, not to burn wood or garden and waste, and for those who can to walk, cycle, scoot or take public transport. More information here: Mayor of London issues high air pollution alert | London City Hall I hope that you would support this initiative to help the school community protect themselves and to raise awareness of people’s behaviour so that we can be part of the solution and not the problem.
Term Dates
The celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee take place on a four-day weekend from Thursday 2 June – Sunday 4 June. The additional bank holiday (Friday 3 June) falls during the Summer Half Term, so will not affect Haringey schools’ term dates. However, in addition to the bank holiday the DfE intends to amend the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document 2021 (STPCD) to reduce the number of days teachers must be available to work during 2021-22 from 190 days to 189 (plus 5 inset). This means that an extra day of holiday will be allocated to schools during 2021-22. This day has been added to the end of the school year which means the last day of term is now Thursday 21st July 2022.
SEND Parent / Carer Coffee Morning
All families and carers of SEND children are invited to attend our first SEND parent coffee morning on Wednesday the 30th March at 9.00am. Please sign in at the main office and we will make our way to meet in the school dining hall. We hope to set up a group of parents that can meet on a regular basis to share ideas, advice, and offer support in a friendly environment. Come and join us for a drink and a chat. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
Open Mornings for Summer Term
I am pleased to say that we are reintroducing our open mornings in the summer term. These will take place on a Friday morning between 9am and 9.45am. These mornings provide you with an opportunity to go into class with your child so you can sit down with them and have a look at the learning in their books.
- Friday 6th May – Reception / Year 1
- Friday 13th May – Years 2 and 3
- Friday 20th May – Years 4, 5 and 6
Easter Egg Hunt
“The HSA Spring Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday 26th May 11:30am – 2:00pm at the school. Follow the clues to find the secret code and receive a chocolate egg. Tickets are £4 for each participating child. Children must be accompanied by an adult, adults and other non-participants (eg babies) go free. There will also be optional crafts and a cash / card cafe. All profit goes to the Home School Association, which raises funds for the benefit of the school. Tickets on sale in the main playground at drop-off until Friday 18th March and also on Friday 11th and 18th at collection time.”
A huge thank you to Tatlers Estate Agents for the amazing donation of 200 chocolate eggs for the Spring Egg Hunt. We’re excited about the first event in a while and hope you have an eggs-ellent time!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Kind Regards
Jonathan Smith