Dear Parent / Carers,
Improving Opportunities for Parent Feedback
Parent Questionnaire
As part of an OfSTED inspection parents are invited to share their views through a website called Parent View. The following questions are those asked on Parent View and will help us find out what your’ views are about Campsbourne School. You can access OUR survey using the following link. Campsbourne Parent Questionnaire Please complete this questionnaire if you can as it really helps us know what we are doing well and which areas we need to improve. The results of the questionnaire will be shared with you after half term and any actions which we plan to put in place as a result of analysing the feedback.
Class Rep Meetings
As part of our strategy to give parents more opportunities to share their views with the school we are planning to host termly meetings with Class Reps. We would like to use the Class Reps as we know that many parents find it difficult to find the time to attend coffee mornings / zoom meetings and we want everyone to have the opportunity to share their views. Class Reps will therefore encourage parents to share their views with them prior to the meeting so that they can share parents’ views at the Class Rep Meetings. Our first Class Rep Meetings will take place on Friday 6th May and Friday 20th May. If you have any views which you would like raised at this meeting please contact your Class Rep.
Value of the Week – Responsibility
During next week we will be talking to the children about the importance of taking responsibility for their duties. These may include tidying their bedroom, looking after their classroom and the resources in it, completing homework or trying their best in class. We will also talk to them about the importance of taking responsibility for their actions and taking ownership when they make a mistake so they can make amends.
Open Mornings for Summer Term
Our first open morning is taking place this Friday 6th May for Reception and Year 1. Open mornings for Year 2/3 will take place on Friday 13th May and Years 4/5/6 will take place on Friday 20th May.
Summer Fair
We’d like to have a halal BBQ at this years summer fair on the 18th June. Is there anyone who is experienced in cooking halal that could run the BBQ? We can provide the BBQ itself (will be bought new) and also volunteers to help with the set up and taking payment. I think we can source halal meat via the school, but if you have your own contact for this that would be fine. We just need some chefs! Please let me know if you can help? My mobile number is 07789955252.
Tatlers Estate Agent Boards
The HSA have started a new partnership with Tatlers Estate Agents. For the summer fair which is on the 18th June, they have agreed to pay us £15 for every Tatlers board they can put up in front gardens. The boards will be put up on the 20th May and be taken down on the 20th June. We’d be so grateful if you would be prepared to have a board. Please contact Elena Carofyllakis via Classlist, WhatsApp on 07789 955 252 or email with your name and address. We can have up to 50 which is £750 for the school!
Crouch End Fun Run
The Crouch End Fun Run is returning on Sunday 8th May. If you would like to sign up then please see the following leaflet. Crouch End Fun Run Leaflet
Preloved Uniform Sales
Each half term, we will be holding a sale for pre-loved uniform items. Our first sale will take place during the week beginning 23rd May. A table will be set up in the Eco Room every day between 8.40 – 9.30 where parents are welcome to come and see what items we have available. If you find that items are suitable for your child, you can buy them from us for the bargain price of £1.00 per item.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Kind Regards
Jonathan Smith