Dear Parent / Carers,
Queen Elizabeth ll
It is with great sadness we mourn the loss of Queen Elizabeth ll. Today teachers shared the attached slides with the children which highlight key dates in the life of Queen Elizabeth ll. Our celebration assembly took place as normal but on Monday I will deliver a whole school assembly to explain to the children what will happen during the days leading up to funeral.
School will remain open as normal and children will continue with normal lessons however schools will be closed on the day of the funeral should it take place during the week. We will keep you updated as soon as we have confirmation.
ICT Suite
It was touch and go at times but I am thrilled to say that the ICT suite upgrade has been finished and is ready for the children to use. You can see pictures of the new ICT suite on the school website.
Snacks for Breaktimes and After School Clubs
Can I please remind parents that we strongly encourage you to provide your children with fruit for snacks at playtime and after school. We have a strict No NUT policy which includes items with traces of nuts due to ensure the safety of children who have severe allergies. Fruit also doesn’t come in a plastic wrapper and the lefts overs are biodegradable and are therefore much better for the environment and will help to feed our compost heap!
Class Dojo
This term we are very excited to be rolling out Class Dojo so that you can find out more about all the exciting learning which your children do at school. Hopefully this means the days of “we didn’t do anything” are consigned to history. Please check your child’s bag as everyone has been given a hard copy of a letter explaining what Class Dojo is and a form authorising us to enrol you on the system.
Building Works
The building works have been progressing at pace over the summer holidays with work focusing on a new boiler for the infants, a new fire alarm system, repairs to the boundary fence, brickwork, roofs and window frames. These works will continue throughout the autumn term when I hope work will also begin on the new reception / office space and replacing all of the sash windows with doubled glazed sashes. I anticipate that this work will continue into 2023 and quite possibly until the end of this academic year. Whilst there will obviously be some disruption to classes we will do everything we can to minimise this.
Value of the Week
In our first week we are thinking about the value of ‘responsibility’. We will discuss different types of responsibility including
- A responsibility: something you are expected to do.
- Being responsible: doing the things you are supposed to do.
- Accepting responsibility: taking the praise or the blame for something you have done.
Staying Safe Online
Each week I will endeavour to provide you with the latest advice regarding staying safe on line. If, like me, you have struggled to persuade your older children that the ‘old’ You Tube Kids account was cool and appropriate for them then you will be pleased to hear that they have updated their settings so that you can be more specific about the age appropriateness choosing between experiences for ages 4 and under, 5-8, or 9-12 and also more parental controls. You can find out more details clicking on the following link. You Tube Kids
Festive Cards!
Every year at Campsbourne we work with a company that transforms your child’s artwork into a set of high-quality festive cards, mugs or wrapping paper and tags. The ordering and payments are online. You’ll need to login or set up an account at which is very quick and easy to do. There will be a unique number on the forms that you use to place your order before you return the artwork to the class teacher. This year, we are doing this a bit early in the term, for two reasons. Firstly, the company offers the school a financial incentive – so more money will be raised for the HSA to help fund school projects. Last year, Festive Cards raised £295 for the school. Also, we’re aware that some families want to send the festive cards abroad and so they should definitely arrive within the holiday season! The collection deadline is Friday 30th September. Don’t worry – there are full instructions on the forms, and there will be reminders on Classlist as we get close to the deadline. The forms will come home with your child next week, so keep an eye out for it and get creative!
Key Dates for 2022/2023
Please note that on four dates there will be no after school provision due to all staff training.
Meet the Teacher Meetings (These will be in person)
- Monday 12th September Year 1 and 2
- Tuesday 13th September Year 3 and 4
- Wednesday 14th September Year 5 and 6
No After School Club Provision of any sort due to Staff Training – Tuesday 4th October
Open Mornings
- Reception and Year 1 Open Morning 9.00 – 9.30 Friday 7th October
- Year 2 and 3 Open Morning 9.00 – 9.30 Friday 14th October
- Year 4, 5 and 6 Open Morning 9.00 – 9.30 Friday 21st October
Half Term – Monday 24th October to Friday 28th October
HSA Class Rep Coffee Morning with the Head Teacher – Wednesday 9th November 9.00 – 10.00
Parent Evenings 14th and 16th November
No After School Club Provision of any sort due to Staff Training – Tuesday 6th December
End of Term – Friday 16th December
No After School Club Provision of any sort due to Staff Training – Wednesday 8th February
No After School Club Provision of any sort due to Staff Training – Wednesday 15th March
I hope you have a lovely weekend
Kind Regards
Jonathan Smith