You can use this form to report a racist incident or racist bullying that happens at school.
A racist incident is ‘any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person’. This includes one-off events, recurring incidents, unintentional racism and any other actions which contribute to a general atmosphere of harassment in the school. Anyone can report a racist incident if they were witness to it or have been told about it.
Racist bullying occurs when a person is bullied or experiences repeated offensive behaviour against them based on the colour of their skin, their ethnicity or cultural, faith and religious background. Racism can occur between members of any ethnic groups. A racist incident can occur between members of the same broad ethnic category.
Detailed below are some examples of possible racist behaviour:
- Derogatory name-calling, insults, racist jokes and language
- Verbal abuse and threats
- Physical assaults
- Ridicule based on differences of colour, race, ethnicity, nationality, culture, religion or language
- Refusal to co-operate with others because of any of the above differences
- Stereotyping on the basis of colour, race, ethnicity etc
- Racist comments
- Racist graffiti
- Written abuse
- Damage to property
- Incitement of others to act in a racist manner
- Provocative behaviour such as wearing racist badges or insignia
- Bringing racist materials such as leaflets, magazines or computer software onto the premises
- Attempting to recruit other young people to racist organisations and groups
It is important that incidents such as these are tackled, in order to emphasise that the school does not tolerate racism in any form.
Further information is available in our Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy.
Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy
By submitting this form, your concern will be picked up by the Head Teacher, Jonathan Smith, and Miss Jade Springer-Best who works Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Jade will aim to make contact with the parents who have submitted a form within 48 hours of receiving the email to discuss their concerns and explain how she will investigate the incident / concern that has been raised. The School will then aim to work with all parties involved to offer support for your child and anyone else involved or affected and to identify the best possible response. This might target the parties involved, the broader student body, support for staff or changes to the curriculum/school policies.
You are also able to email or discuss any racist incident directly with your child’s teacher, with Jade Springer-Best or with the Headteacher, Jonathan Smith.