Campsbourne Infant School OfSTED Report
Leaders set high expectations for all pupils in the school. Pupils are happy and keen to learn. They want to do their best. Working relationships between pupils and adults are strong. Pupils show great respect to staff and to each other.
Pupils behave well in class and during breaktimes. They enjoy the range of equipment to play on, and join in with games led by adults at breaktime. Pupils interact positively with each other.
Leaders and teachers have established a culture where pupils can share any concerns, including via the ‘bubble box’ in each class. Pupils know they can speak with a trusted adult. They said that they felt safe in school because of the way adults always help them. Parents and carers appreciate the warm and caring attitudes that leaders encourage here.
Leaders provide a wide range of experiences to extend pupils’ learning. They particularly make use of visits to London and the local area. A highlight for pupils across the school is the visit to Alexandra Palace. Teachers encourage pupils to use this as a learning opportunity. For example, younger pupils look at the skyline and make their own models.