PSHE education gives pupils the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.
Dear Parent / Carers,
The government has introduced a requirement for all primary schools to teach relationships and health education although sex education continues to be non-compulsory.
As part of these changes schools are required to consult with parents, children and staff on how we can make sure that our updated curriculum meets the new requirements as well as the needs of our children.
At Campsbourne we have taught relationship, health and sex education for a number of years using the Cambridge Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) scheme of work, which has been updated to meet the new requirements.
We’ve worked hard to make sure that our new curriculum reflects:
We have consulted with the children by asking them what they would like to learn about within their relationships and sex education lessons. RSE Children’s Consultation 10.3.21
We have also attached our updated Relationships and Sex Education Policy and an overview which explains what each year group will be learning about during the relationships and sex education units of PSHE lessons.
Campsbourne RSE Policy Parents Presentation
Campsbourne School Relationship and Sex Education Policy Draft
We very much welcome your comments on the updated curriculum and Relationships and Sex Education Policy.
You can comment on it using the following dedicated email address
The deadline for responding to this email is Friday, 23rd April 2021.
Unfortunately, due to current Covid-19 restrictions, we are unable to meet with you in person however, we hope to be able to host a coffee morning on Friday 28th June once all restrictions have hopefully been eased, so that we can also share some of the resources which we use.
Many thanks for your time in engaging with this consultation.
Yours sincerely,
Hellen Morrissey
Healthy School Lead