28 Nov Anti Bullying Week
Last week we had a whole school focus on anti bullying as part of anti bullying week. The theme this year was “All Different. All Equal.” Children enjoyed special assemblies deliver by Soren Bennick’s The Power of One™ which is bullying-proofing performance for primary school children.
The Power of One is a series of skits presented by actors who use boxes, colours, and masks to vividly portray what bullying is, what can be done about it, and how every child has the power of one, the power to report and deal with bullying when they see it. The Power of One:
- Explains the roles in bullying: Bully, Target, and Bystander
- Shows vivid examples of different types of bullying: Physical, Verbal, Exclusion, and Cyber bullying
- Alerts children that Targets need help and intervention
- Encourages students not to be bystanders
- Emphasizes the need for individual action to make the community a safer, better place
- Refers children to parents, adults, and teachers for further assistance and instruction
The set for the Power of One consists of a series of boxes that fit inside each other like a Russian egg. Each box is a different colour: green, purple, yellow, and white, representing the different roles in the bullying process.
Following the colour scheme of the boxes, the actors put on a green mask when they play the Bully, a purple mask when they play the Target, and a yellow mask for the Bystander.
The highlight of the performance is when a volunteer from the audience looks into the Power of One box (which contains a mirror) and sees himself/herself!
This leads to the audience taking the Power of One anti-bullying oath and the conclusion of the performance.
The Power of One Oath