27 Sep Welcome Back!
We would like to wish you all a very warm welcome back to school. In assembly on Wednesday I shared some of the new exciting projects and educational visits which the children will be enjoying this term. These includes the new outdoor space which has been created for Year 1; the introduction of WOW Writing Weeks; programmable robots called Ohbots which children will be programming using the new suite of 30 laptops, all of which has been paid for by the HAS; and also the start of our new exciting arts curriculum with Year 2 visiting the National Portrait Gallery and Year 4 visiting the Royal Academy of Arts to learn about Anthony Gormley as well as visits from Matthew Sanders who runs the charity www.magiclanternart.org.uk who will be running workshops in every class throughout the school teaching them about the artists their classes are named after. Year 2 will also be the first year group to take part in a new history unit which we have developed in partnership with the Education Department at Alexandra Palace. In this unit the children will learn all about the history of this magnificent local landmark and enjoy visits to the palace.