04 Mar Campsbourne Celebrate World Book Day
Our celebrations yesterday for World Book Day were hugely successful! We had a huge number of children this year dressing up as their favourite book characters and it was clear to see the efforts that had been put into their costumes. The children enjoyed an array of exciting activities throughout the day, including a virtual author visit, a live author visit for Years 4, 5 and 6, ‘Guess who’s coming to dinner’ challenges among a number of fun activities which happened in the classroom. We rounded off the day with a whole school assembly where the answers to the challenges were revealed and the our competition winners were announced. The ‘design a book on a rock’ competition entries were simply fabulous and were almost impossible to judge! A huge well done to all our winners and runners up and to everyone who participated. Our winners will be able to visit Mr Smith and request a book of their choice and our runners up received magnetic book marks.
Reception: Halle in Gainsborough
Year 1: Ivy in Riley
Year 2: Sophia in Moore
Year 3: Millie in Hockney
Year 4: Alice in Kapoor
Year 5: Samuel in Turner
Year 6: Makcim in Shonibare
Thank you to all parents for help with costumes and encouraging the children to participate in our competition. We’re looking forward to next year already!