31 Jan Campsbourne Eco Warriors
Eco warriors in Autumn term completed their environmental review and found that marine life was something that almost all children are concerned about. The children planned and delivered an assembly about the effects of single use plastics on our marine life and how we can change our habits to eat and buy more sustainable fish.
Here is a top tip from Amy in Year 5:
You can reuse your single-use plastic bottles to create something that saves water every time you flush your toilet.
How to make it:
1.Cut of the top of your bottle
2.Fill the bottle with small stones to weigh it down
3.Place your bottle in the corner of the toilet , make sure it doesn’t touch any of the toilets working parts.
Now, when you flush the loo, the bottle will fill up. This will be the water you save each time!
Competition Time! Junior Travel Ambassadors are running a ‘design your own badge’ competition which should raise the profile of walking, scooting or cycling to school. There will be both a KS1 and KS2 winner, please return entries to class teachers by the 9th February. Good luck!