30 Nov Year 5 Enjoy Zoo Session with Polar Experts from Royal Museums Greenwich
This week, Year 5 had the opportunity to delve deeper into the fascinating world of Polar Regions, focusing specifically on our Geography unit for this term: Antarctica. We were absolutely thrilled to have a special Zoom session with an expert from the Royal Museums Greenwich. During this session, we had the privilege of learning about a range explorers who have ventured to both the Arctic and Antarctica. Children actively participated in engaging votes and thought-provoking discussions centred around what they believed would be the most suitable attire for braving the frigid conditions of these icy places. They also debated over the types of food one would consume while embarking on such an extraordinary journey and brainstormed the most effective strategies for survival if we were to ever set foot in Antarctica ourselves! The children loved the opportunity to ask their questions to a specialist in the field and were rewarded with a wealth of information.